Pre Kitchen Installation Tips

In order for your kitchen installation to run as smooth as possible, it
is a good idea to make some plans before the installation starts
- (Made to Measure can take care of your kitchen delivery & check everything is in order when it arrives , but if you prefer to do this yourself ,then this is what you can do to be prepared.) Before the kitchen arrives, try to get the delivery drivers mobile number, and then ring him to find out exactly what time your kitchen is being delivered.
- On the day your kitchen arrives, make sure you have a check list ready to check off exactly what has been delivered.
- Have a clean dry place ready for the kitchen when it turns up. The garage is normally a good place.
- Clear any hazardous obstacles that are in the path of where the kitchen has to be delivered.
- The delivery driver normally wants to get away as soon as possible be firm & let them know you are aware of items occasionally not turning up & you wont be signing the delivery note until you have checked for damage & quantity.
- Survey the boxes as they get unload, are there any crunched corners? If the boxes are damaged there is a good possibility the item inside is! Get the delivery driver to sign next to the damaged item that its damaged.
- If you don't have time to check the kitchen against your delivery check list, then make sure you sign the delivery note, received but not checked.
- Your kitchen is going to be out of action for a few days, what about visiting some of those restaurants you’ve been meaning to visit.
- Is there some where else the fridge & microwave can be located for the duration of the kitchen being fitted?
- Why not make some of the family's favourite recipes & freeze them ready for the period of the installation
- Use paper plates & eco friendly plastic disposable cutlery.
- Pack everything in your kitchen about a week before the installation starts in clearly marked containers the contents, which will help when it comes to unpacking, except the necessities like can openers, and the kettle.
- Get in some microwave meals
- During the installation there is going to be plenty of drilling & sawing noises which is unavoidable when fitting a kitchen. Family pets can sometimes get stressed out by this. If this is the case, can they stay at a friends or relatives house during the day while the work is being carried out?
- Why not tie the installation date, with your annual family holiday. Made To Measure have completed several kitchens while the owner has been away.